Affordable benchtop

Our compact standalone
system fits any standard
lab bench.

About Us

Northern Light Microscopy™ is part of the Centre for Microsystems & Photonics at the University of Strathclyde working at the boundary between engineering, physics and the life sciences.

Our mission is focused on taking advanced imaging hardware out of the research labs and putting it in the hands of the life science researchers that can put them to the best use.

Our expertise in microsystems, optics and microscopy has enabled us to develop a super-resolution microscopy technology with small footprint which can be used on the lab bench or as an add-on to existing microscopes and with significantly reduced costs compared to currently available high-end systems. The miniaturized system allows use of any existing sample preparation methods of life-science researchers and will enable access to nanoscale information with user friendly operation at its heart.


MEMS Technology

Microsystems enabled simple digital control with user-friendly software.

Benchtop System

Turnkey small footprint enclosed system for use on the biology bench.

Live Cell Imaging

Real-time imaging with continued use of your sample preparation of choice.

Our latest news

NLM will attend BBSRC Sparking Innovation Conference

11 Apr 2024

NLM has been selected to give a pitch at the BBSRC Sparking Innovation Conference on 1st May 2024 in Edinburgh, UK.

NLM will be presenting at Inspire100

19 Mar 2024

NLM has been invited to pitch at the Strathclyde Inspire100 event on 9th May 2024, presenting our 3min investment pitch to a range of internal and external partners. We’ll be there with a tabletop stand and demos of our core technology.

NLM joins Pioneer Launch program

1 Mar 2024

To accelerate our route to market and spin-out, we have been accepted to an exclusive invite-only Pioneer Group Launch program, providing coaching and support in kick-stating the business.

NLM takes part in ICURe Exploit

1 Mar 2024

Following from an excellent outcome of an ICURe Explore program, NLM has secured follow on funding and a place on an ICURe Exploit program, preparing a full spin-out creation.

The Technology Need

Advanced imaging techniques are often inaccessible to life science researchers and scientists within biology, pharma, biotech or healthcare settings who need to see more detail from their biological specimens.


System costs between £250k-750k, complicated and dedicated sample preparation methods or the need for dedicated imaging laboratories and specialist operators are preventing life scientists from making wide use of the exciting advances in imaging technology. This limit new discoveries in biology, biotech, pharma or healthcare and constrains groundbreaking work on the global healthcare challenges faced today. By developing a small footprint system which can be operated in any life science setting we aim to empower life-scientists to reach previously inaccessible levels of information in their samples and experiments in an affordable and easy way.


Our Solution

Affordable Super-Resolution Microscopy

At costs 1 – 2 orders of magnitude less than other super-resolution systems our technology offers a cost-effective alternative, making high-resolution imaging accessible to a wider range of users.

Live cell imaging without any change to specimen preparation

Delve deeper into live cell dynamics without having to alter your standard fluorescence specimen preparation. Our technology is readily compatible with your favorite dyes and live cell specimens.

Modular Upgrade to current systems

Users who are already routinely employing fluorescence microscopy have the ability to simply take their imaging to the next level with our bolt-on upgrade unit. This means users can breathe new life into old systems and see more.

Don't have an existing fluorescence microscope? Our stand-alone version has you covered

Our small footprint (20x30cm) stand-alone imaging system is fully enclosed and able to be operated easily on a lab bench in your standard bio-lab, removing the need to take your specimens elsewhere or create a costly dedicated imaging room.

Easy to use control software and analysis

The full digital control software makes super-resolution imaging easy for the standard user. Combining a fully automatic system calibration, intuitive image acquisition and no input image reconstruction means you’ll be up and running in no time.

Unlocking accessible super-resolution microscopy for breakthrough discoveries


Our project will serve academic life scientists, core facility managers, healthcare professionals, individuals in the pharmaceutical industry and bio-tech start-up companies to help them achieve their breakthrough discoveries at lower-costs and in their own labs.


Benefits of NLM

Significantly reduced cost

Fits on a lab bench

Super resolution microscopy

Meet our Team

Dr Peter William Tinning

Co-Inventor and CEO

Dr Ralf Bauer

Co-Inventor and CTO

Contact Us

To register your interest and learn more about our project, please use the contact form below to get in touch with our team. We are particularly keen to hear from academic life scientists, core facility managers, healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals and bio-tech companies and start-ups.

    Advanced super-resolution microscopy imaging system project in the University of Strathclyde, participating on Innovate UK’s ICURe Explore Programme.


    Northern Light Microscopy™, 
    Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
    University of Strathclyde,
    99 George Street, Glasgow,
    Scotland, G1 1RD